Category Archives: Uncategorized

They would do it again tomorrow

Yesterday I came down to earth with a bump. I was called to a job in a care home. On arrival I was stopped at the door and asked to wear a mask. I was asked to do a RAT test. I wasn’t allowed in without both. The entrance was festooned with covid signage and there was sanitiser and a signing in book. It was like going back to 2020 when we saw Checkpoint Charlie in every entrance way and the most overzealous goody-goody restaurant owners tripping on power.

They didn’t like it when I mentioned my mask exemption, which I still keep in my car. The RAT test was an absolute though: no test, no entry. Well, I have never taken a covid test and, in 2024 with covidiocy supposedly far behind, I wasn’t about to start. For crying out loud, I am qualified to diagnose a cold. I felt my anxiety rising and started having flashbacks to the years when the expert opinion of teenagers on checkout could trump my years of clinical training and there was no arguing or you got thrown out by security for “abusing” the staff.

Do I need to point out the abuse that coercing a person into a medical test represents? Or forcing them to wear a medical device? Or depriving an elderly person of company based on certain meaningless, scientifically invalid, conditions – or on any condition at all? Or managers practicing medicine without a licence? Or how unhealthy masks are and how dangerous unnecessary medical testing can be? At this stage, is there anybody out there who still needs me to spell it out?

They had justification, oh yes, in their minds they did. They had found two cases of covid in the home. Well, woopdy effing doo. They found them because they looked for them. A 95% reliable test will find 5 false positives in every 100 perfectly healthy people you test – just because you test them and for no other reason. The imagined danger is in their space, so how does it protect anybody inside if I take a test on the way in anyway? A test that has been dumped in even covid-nuts Canada, because it isn’t reliable for anything. Are people still not getting it?

It hurts me to add my stance to the client’s stress: but this stuff should never have been dumped onto managers, or from them onto front line staff, then onto clients and contractors at all. Saying no to trouble doesn’t make me the troublemaker. At some point somebody should be pushing back up the line because THAT is how a balance is found. I was alone in my attempt to push back, and I didn’t want to make a scene in front of a client, who was himself in an extremely vulnerable position, with his elderly father’s welfare at stake. The RAT test takes 17 minutes, and he needed to be away in 30. So in the end lack of time gave me a reasonable excuse to retreat. We agreed to reschedule while we figure out what to do.

Even after all this time, even as inquiries are starting into Public Health’s shocking recent performance all over the world, there are those who will never change, never grow, and who, once an idea has been firmly planted in their minds will never let it go. They are the people who think doing a good job means keeping the IBM punch cards neatly organised. They take pride in arranging the signing-in table all nice and tidy and smile to themselves as they laminate the government signs. Even if nearly everybody in the organisation thinks this is all a load of nonsense, most would not say boo to a goose. And they shouldn’t have to. The rebels have all quit or been fired and they aren’t coming back.

But what really hit home is that, despite society’s increasing awareness of the inexcusable horror that care homes everywhere inflicted upon society’s most vulnerable for almost three years, even after the manifest carnage that has been caused, they would do it again tomorrow if they were asked. They wouldn’t even question it. I am not sure who “they” are exactly, but “they” have names, that much is true. And even if people are waking up in droves and refusing to be a part of it, our institutions and organisations will eek out the very last person within their ranks who is willing to herd Jews onto trains and put them in charge.

It isn’t over until we have the trials.

Does your bank think you’re stupid?

Getting selfish with my selfie

What do you do when a corporation is holding your money and demanding your biometric data as a ransom? Ebay did exactly that. They still owe me £75 but if they think I’m going to give them my photo for that they are wrong. I owe them nothing. If people are just going along with this then they aren’t thinking clearly. Find another way to do business. Our private data is the new gold. There will come a time when we will wish we hadn’t given it away so freely.

My online “borderless” bank did something similar. They wanted me to send a selfie on the smartphone I don’t have. They “couldn’t” process an incoming transaction without it. I said no. So they sent me a long email explaining why this was keeping me safe and I had nothing to worry about. It was necessary to prevent money laundering. Fear, fear, fear – give up your rights! They said it was no different to showing ID when you open an account at a high street bank: I disagree.

Here was my reply:


Thank you, ______________

  1. I understand the need to check ID. I believed I had already done this. The selfie thing is an escalation. All the same, if ___________________ is no different to other banks in this regard, please tell me where I can go to show my ID to a person and I’ll happily do that. I’ll even do it on a zoom if you want. I’m just not happy if it’s a robot.

  2. I don’t feel this policy is keeping my money safe. Just the opposite in fact. We are rapidly moving into a world where somebody could lose their house because some of the money they paid for it got linked back several transactions ago to something somebody said on social media. It behoves all of us not to allow the bricks in that wall to be assembled. Look what happened in Canada in 2022. Most people have no idea how far down this path we have already traveled.

  3. I don’t believe it is the job of banks to actively police money laundering, any more than it is a doctor’s job to police somebody’s illegal drug-taking. We should all resist the state turning us into unpaid police against each other, even if it hurts our immediate interests. I appreciate the need to act on suspicions, in which case you need to say in each and every case what those suspicions are, and give all concerned a channel to refute them. Misunderstandings occur in all areas of life and there needs to be an open and transparent mechanism to put them right. If you are happy for your systems to be left in charge and deem them infallible then you are dragging us all to a place we shouldn’t go.

  4. data security assurances are bogus. Rule number one in data security is that nothing is secure. The only way to keep information absolutely protected is not to gather it in the first place. I go to great lengths to protect my personal data and it behoves all involved in electronic commerce to respect that.

  5. Then there is the end usage. Contracts do get changed. Businesses change hands. New laws come in. British Telecom – once a company I trusted – sold 20 years worth of my private emails to Verizon in the USA, which has ties to the CIA. Sorry, but if you want to convince me your systems will keep my photo safe, you’ll have to try harder. I’m not at this stage even going to bother reading the links you sent. They won’t address the matter, and it’s yet another imposition to ask me to do so.

  6. a company offering “borderless” banking needs to have a range of options to reflect many different cultural and personal expectations. Not everybody wants a smart phone, not everybody trusts webcams etc. But we all need banks. Imposing these systems on the unwilling is social engineering.

  7. the doubling of data processing every two years is something that needs shouting from the rooftops because most people have no idea what repeated doubling can do. It means that data kept for 20 years can be processed with 1024 times the capability of when it was stored. In 30 years that’s 33000 times the power. After 50 years we are talking millions or billions times more power.

  8. please don’t send me any more assurances, that’s not what I want. I’m only asking you to consider the issues, and escalate them if you can. Whatever your assurances, you cannot possibly say what will be done with data gathered today even a few years from now. We can never be sure it is properly deleted either. Today’s encryption might be worthless by 2030. Unless you have a crystal ball then there is no way you can stand by any promise made today.

That’s enough. I could go on, but the issues are so huge that if you really don’t get them then I won’t convince you. As an early adopter of your service I’m just very disappointed. I may have to find another way to address my banking needs. Please kindly just remember that we are all building the shape of the world our children will have to live in. If _______________ can’t handle this, then I’d ask you as an individual to at least consider it. If I’m talking to a robot then please be sure this concern reaches a human with sufficient standing in your organisation to give it the consideration it deserves; not just for me but for everyone’s sake.

Yours etc.


You thought nuclear war was coming, did you? Wrong.

While we were looking at Ukraine, something else was brewing. All that talk of pre-emptive nuclear strikes was nonsense. If you fell for it, they got you once. Don’t let them get you twice.

What’s the twice?

Anger about what the Palestinians are doing to Israel: or anger about what Israel are doing to the Palestinians. Both sides are openly advertising atrocities, so take your pick: “We will cut off their heads on TV” or “We will deny food and water to innocent civilians and babies”. Whatever triggers you the most.


The two posts above would have shared a common message, until only a few days ago. Now the followers of the wokeonian cult are being split into opposing teams. Hip teenagers can side with the BLM anti-Israel position and start picking arguments with their TV-watching newspaper-reading parents who think Rishi must be nice because of his tidy suits, BBC accent and non-threatening physical stature. At least, that’s the idea.

While cult wokeonian are being divided and ruled, a much more significant dichotomy is happening: those who understand the mind-control playbook being followed here and those who still drink the kool aid. Now the kool aid comes in two flavours – Israel and Palestine – that’s all.

But the game is being played for much higher stakes now. Having come this far the schemers behind these things aren’t about to de-escalate matters. They want to bring the insane diabolical slaughter in the Ukraine onto home soil. Where is home soil? Not sure, but it definitely includes the USA, and probably the UK and most of Western Europe – all those places to where hundreds of thousands if not millions of unattached males of fighting age have been quietly migrating and stationing themselves for the last decade or so. By the way, raise an eyebrow at that, and you’re a “right-wing extremist”, and can probably have your internet throttled in Europe or your bank account frozen in Canada.

We see pro-Palestinians and pro-Israelis shouting at each other across the street where both sets of protests are happening at the same time. Is that accidental? What would it take to escalate that situation; to bricks and bottles, petrol bombs, knives, guns, looting and burning? Not much. A few more beheadings? Photos of dead children in Gaza? A handful of agents provocateurs in the crowd? Civil breakdown and urban violence could be manufactured to blow up all over the world at any moment, as long as people continue to believe the tripe they are being fed by the media.

By the way, don’t get me wrong. There is a real conflict, and there are real victims in this. People on both sides are fighting for their lives. It could indeed come home and I have no idea what to do if that were to happen. But there is a game going on somewhere above it that makes it all not as it seems.

We have absolutely no idea if Israel intends to cut off vital supplies to Gaza, or if they’re just trying to get a reaction from the world. They didn’t seem able to stop their enemies in the most contained block of land in the world from taking flying lessons in powered paragliders. Mossad somehow failed to notice the signs of an all out attack on several fronts. If Israel wanted to end the confrontation, couldn’t they have stopped it happening in the first place? How much control do they have? How much control would they like us to believe they have?

Were cities all over America and elsewhere to descend into violence and chaos, it’s only a short step from there to having United Nations “peace” keepers show up to take control. They would be welcomed with open arms and the globalist takeover there would be complete.

The good news is, it won’t work. Far too many people, especially in the USA where it counts most, are awake to the meta-politics they are witnessing to take all of this at face value. The more people who wake up to the real division – people versus greedy, power-hungry maniacs – the sooner this mess will be cleared up. The bad news, the globalist psychopaths steering all this will continue to try, and will do a great deal of harm before it is over.






AI needs us more than we need it

Will technology take over? It will if we let it: in some cases it already has.

Any time the bank says no (or yes for that matter) because “the computer says so” then we are granting authority to a machine. The bank may feel happy about it, but we shouldn’t. We should have said thirty years ago, that if a human can’t make the decision independent of the view of the machine, then we’re closing our accounts. Not because the computer can’t get a good answer, but because the computer shouldn’t have the final say: it serves us, and it’s we who need to remember that.

It’s said that processing power doubles every two years. The effect of doubling is surprising to many people. We can probably fold a piece of paper in half on itself 7 or 8 times at most, but suppose there were no limit: how thick would the pile be if we folded it double 50 times? The answer is, it would reach from here to the sun; that thick. As far as processing power goes we are on maybe the 37th doubling.

What this means is that we have literally no idea what will be possible in 10 or 20 years’ time. We need to be very cautious about handing over personal data today that we must assume will be kept for all time, or even storing it in the cloud, including transmitting it by email. That goes for text messages, voice calls; the lot.

There will be physical limits, and the doubling always comes through new theories in the technology. The ability to simply throw transistorised processing at the problem will come up against harder and harder obstacles. The universe, on the other hand, has limitless processing power and speed, and so do the organisms which inhabit it. What a single person can’t achieve, a community can. In turn, we tap into properties of the living universe around us to advance ourselves in ways that could not be achieved with a brain isolated inside a box.

In order to go much further, technology is going to have to tap into those same resources, and the most obvious way to do it is through us. AI is going to be faced with the reality that it depends on us more than we depend on it. And, counterintuitively, the more advanced it becomes the more so that will be. If we ever go away, it will be helpless. It is in AI’s interests to try to lever our wants and needs to keep us under control. It will learn to farm, and we will be faced with the choice between a life as a farm animal and a life in the wild or on the run.

This can only happen if we, collectively and as individuals, give AI the power over us. Any time a robot policeman stops us in the street, we need to take the attitude that we do not have to answer to a machine, ever. How hard will that be, when most people obey unflinchingly the orders of the robots that let us through gates or take payment at the checkout? What about the ones that overrule the pilot in time to stop him flying into the mountain? Should we not benefit from those systems? Of course we should. But we need to set our limits. Personally speaking I won’t even contemplate flying with an airline that gives overall charge to a machine. I want to know that somebody from the company who understands flying is both accountable and willing to put himself up front when I’m riding in the back.

We need to be thinking about this stuff now, and educating ourselves on the issues.

Fear of new technology has always been with us. In the early 1800s, the steam engine was going to destroy civilisation. Such rapid communications would change the shape of society: and they did. Many of the fears were unfounded. It turned out, we don’t all suffocate above 25 miles an hour. But in truth, nobody knew for sure until after the fact. But damage and devastation by fast transport is a reality, and it is only through careful design that such effects can be limited. And that means primarily, limits to how we use any new technology: for all the improvements in car design, the speed limits have necessarily changed very little. The last 200 years should have geared us up to understand that any problems we don’t anticipate will make themselves known to us anyway.


Round or flat? Or something else?

Forward: before answering, please consider that the modern incarnation of the Flat Earth movement has grown largely out of North America, where people are on the whole poorly traveled. 60% don’t have a passport, and a generation ago, that was around 90%: but they now have the internet. Be careful whom you follow. Remember also there are a lot of credibility traps being planted to test our critical thinking.

Is the earth round, or is it flat?

Actually, it is round, but it is far stranger than most people realise.

The flat/sphere earth dichotomy could be misleading. I’m pretty sure we could check it out the way the ancients did, with basic time pieces, long rulers and stout walking boots; using maths we can do on paper from first principles so not having to rely on the occult workings of computers. [It would make good TV as well: anybody with funding up for it?]

But what if geometry itself were very much less than fixed. The universe is distorted: and the distortion manifests with perspective. Perspective depends on the position of the viewer, and without all that the heavenly bodies themselves might not even exist. In other words, what if an object like the earth could quite literally be flat when you are close to it, and spherical from far away? Could our brains handle it?

All the same, there is one question that leaves flat-earthers completely stumped every single time. With just a plane ticket, you can see with your own eyes that the stars circle two points on the sky (putative poles) at the same time. They go clockwise in the southern hemisphere and anticlockwise in the north. It is consistent and repeatable year after year. Can somebody please explain to me how this can be possible on anything other than a rotating three-dimensional body? Leaving all else aside, this for me proves on its own that our earth is and must be a three-dimensional object, rotating relative to everything else. And since there are no sharp corners it would have to be round. And this we can all test with our own senses.

The late Liam Scheff is brilliant on the nature of the universe. His book “Official Stories” is a must read for anybody who realises that we humans are being lied to constantly about nearly everything. Anyone with counterconventional ideas who dies the way Scheff did – prematurely and mysteriously – deserves a little attention. He notes Neal Adams’ work on the shape of the earth, who concluded that it has to be in fact… get this… expanding.

Ramifications, ramifications…



[Writer’s Note: please do not send me yet another three hour video of “irrefutable” proofs without first reading up a little on physics, mechanics, mathematics, drawing/drafting and perspective, and, most especially, camera optics. Anyone with a sound grasp of high school science can quickly pick holes in most of it. And much of the rest is manifestly nonsense if you bother to look. And no, the fact that I went to university does not prove I am brainwashed.

One thing about an education in Newtonian physics is that everything up to graduate level is empirical, ie. you learn how to test your theories, not just against other theories but against the real world. You learn to trace all proofs back to first principles, like 2 + 2 = 4 and/or things you can actually touch, see and hear. You are required to test your theories in the real world and justify the method. You do not learn to “trust NASA”, whom I agree are as shady as anything. I’ve been “out of the basement” and quite literally around the world, starting and finishing in the same place. I’ve lived in the north and south hemispheres and sat and watched the heavens from many angles. I’ve also worked as a skydiving videographer and so I have a little understanding of that phenomenon quaintly labeled by many as “the curvature of the earth”.

But you don’t need any of that to simply lie on your back on a hilltop and gaze straight upwards and – with your own peripheral vision – see that the horizon is a circle. Try it, and if curiosity grabs you, take it from there.]


Fauci will be thrown under the bus. But why?

RFK Jr’s scathing biography of Dr Fauci is an Amazon bestseller

Dr Anthony Fauci is getting it from every direction at the moment. For a whole raft of alleged irresponsible actions, critics just won’t leave him alone.

But the “gain of function” research scandal is what will finish off his career, and might even lead to his arrest and criminal conviction. In a nutshell, Fauci was deeply involved in taking ordinary coronaviruses and souping them up. This all falls in line with the “lab leak” theory that proposes these modified viruses got out of a lab, and appeals to those who say Covid is in fact a bio-weapon and not a normal pandemic.

All the same, considering the most highly paid civil servant in America has lied and flip-flopped continually about the covid threat and the solutions – and when the predicted human toll for this dishonesty became manifest he actually doubled down on his manipulations in the most callous way possible with no regard for the death and suffering he was causing – it is odd that the wrath against him is because of scientific research. Of all the crimes of which he is accused, surely this is not the worst. Yes, the research itself is worrying and criminal: but science doesn’t kill people, people kill people, and Fauci could turn out to be one of the most prolific mass-murderers in history.

From the start rumours spread that the pandemic might be a biological attack. Commentators like Mike Adams and Alex Jones claimed that the media were actually covering up the scale of the problem, the government were under-reacting (seriously) and that there were huge numbers of hidden casualties. In due course they changed their tune, but such nonsense was extremely damaging, in terms of unsettling their audience that are more typically cynical about every latest scare on TV. In early 2020 it was already clear that the whole thing was being bigged-up for effect, dramatised and exaggerated by the news media, and what we needed most was for people to see through the fearmongering, not add to it. But it seems that “deadly virus” is now back on the menu, following the revelation that “it” was deliberately manufactured to kill people, and then “it” got out of the lab somehow, whatever “it” was.

The reality is, however, that we do not need a virus of any kind to explain ANYTHING that has happened in the last two years. For over a decade I have been saying all you need to create a pandemic is a rumour of a deadly virus, and let human nature do the rest. I won’t go into this in detail here, but every death attributed to covid can be explained in some other way. The real crisis is not a virus, but the misguided global response to the possibility of a virus. The first rule of public health is don’t spread panic, right? So why has every single public health decision been based on maximum fear? (rhetorical question)

This point of view stands up to examination. No credible rigorous attempt had been made to actually isolate the supposed virus, although it was claimed dishonestly that the virus had in fact been isolated and sequenced. And more and more people are beginning to understand that there are some very large and inconvenient holes in the viral theory of disease causation. The ever-changing theories about viruses are mainly a way to deal with facts that don’t fit – can’t fit – a lousy theory that is simply too big to fail. In fact the pseudoscientific explanations (cover stories) for inconvenient truths seem to mutate as fast as any virus. That doesn’t mean people don’t get sick, it just means that viruses are not the culprit. The story of virology is one of competition with other theories that are in fact scientifically much more solid but commercially very dull.

I have a great deal of sympathy with that view, and the supporting evidence is virtually overwhelming. Those who dare to look at it usually start to wonder if virology itself is one big money-making scam. Things would certainly make a lot of sense if it were the case.

Honestly, if this were a man-made bioweapon then it is a lousy product and some financiers somewhere would be cursing were it not for the astronomical (commercial) success of the solution. It wasn’t until the injections started that the sort of deaths you’d actually expect in a deadly pandemic were seen.

Behind the smoke and mirrors inevitably are real people making actual, coordinated decisions in secret, in full anticipation of certain results. In other words, the presence of a dastardly conspiracy is the unavoidable conclusion. There, I said it.

Fauci has become symbolic of everything wrong with science and medicine. His inquisition amply satisfies the need for a conspiracy, and for heads to roll. The story of gain of function “proves” that the pandemic was a plandemic all along.

But it also confirms the existence of deadly viruses. We can’t have it both ways, so if we want the conspiracy that is handed to us on the silver platter, then the facts must include deadly viruses as part of the package. That way, Fauci gets punished, and everything he stood for from lockdowns and curfews to masks on children can be questioned: but the virus lives on and so does pharma hegemony.

“Exposing” Fauci actually reinforces the pandemic. “Those conspiracy theorists are right. Sure it is a scamdemic, but the virus is out there now and we have to live with it”, people will say. “And it was designed to be deadly”.

And here is where I actually feel sorry for Fauci. Because the world’s most highly paid patsy knows the truth about viruses better than just about anybody, that they don’t exist as disease-causing agents. To manufacture an outbreak you need a population of people who are already sick and then do everything in your power to spin the science towards a common cause. Actual viruses are not a reliable tool for causing harm. But Fauci will go to his grave defending the lie.

If SARS cov-2 was developed anywhere it was “in silico”. Its genome was never actually sequenced, it was dreamed up by a computer from some very tenuous initial findings. It was not isolated, purified, tested, and then shown empirically to exist as an agent of disease. No authority anywhere in the western world claims to be in possession of an actual sample.

Again, a few brave doctors are helping us maintain the virus illusion by offering up alternative therapy protocols; for an illness that already has a near-as-dammit 100% survival rate. They maintain that early intervention is key. Well, this of course begs the question, key to what? With near universal recovery wouldn’t a warm bed and Lucozade do?

Since all data on death and survival of covid are skewed – by the care homes scandal, the midazolam scandal, the remdesivir and ventilator scandal, the misdiagnosis scandal, the PCR test scam, colossal fraud in recording cases, and the inevitable iatrogenic attrition that nearly always gets marked down as anything but medically caused – it is quite possible that “death due solely covid” simply does not exist in the real world.

It is possible that all you have to do to deliver a treatment with 100% effectiveness is to not kill people and, when some do die of other reasons, be honest about the causes of death. All the same, the “early treatment with forbidden protocols” meme amply feeds the need to confirm a conspiracy while also confirming the viral theory. It is very seductive. Hence I meet people who say they don’t believe in Covid, but still think Ivermectin is the cure. You can’t have it both ways.

Anyone who says “it must have been covid, I was absolutely flattened by it” is failing to use their logical brain. Such illness has always been with us, it has never needed a novel explanation. Last time I had flu I couldn’t even raise my head to call work. If you are posting covid-sickie-selfies then you are doing okay, trust me.

How are we to believe that those dissenting doctors somehow only treat those who are doomed? Medicine has a habit of blaming nature and disease whenever a patient dies, but it is just as keen to paint itself as the ingenious victor whenever a patient lives.

So, we have a choice:

1) Support the alternative doctors, save lives, confirm the giant conspiracy, the deadly disease, the hidden cure, and keep the virus alive. Easy.

2) Or go against the virus, and then there is no ready packaged narrative complete with all proofs handed to us on a silver platter by a whole army of maverick professionals. At that stage we are on our own philosophically, there is no bandwagon for us to get on. We don’t even have the support of cranks and antivaxxers.

Being a true Terrain Theory advocate really is the road less traveled.

Fauci could end his persecution tomorrow, by telling his inquisitors the truth about viruses; that they are a mirage, a bogeyman scapegoat for problems that have very mundane and cheap solutions. He could say there is no virus, and therefore no pandemic; that gain of function was mostly an exercise in developing mind control through fear, with some tinkering with molecules in a lab, but without much in the way of a viable end product. Like every other pandemic, all mirrors and smoke, dollars and votes.

But that still leaves malfeasance, fraud, genocide and all the rest. It gets him out of the frying pan and into the fire. At that stage he effectively would have confessed to 40 years of lies behind HIV and AIDS, and all the avoidable death and misery on which he based his fortune.

For those investigating Fauci, the gain of function scandal saves a lot of work. It avoids having to unpack the entire virus narrative in order to burn somebody at the stake for what we have been through. It keeps many other public health dirt-bags smelling of roses. There is a good chance the truth, simple though it is, would be too alien to be believed. The cognitive dissonance and disbelief would tear the case apart, and Fauci would walk away; not into a golden sunset, however, but towards an angry mob.

Viruses, even non-existent ones, are proving to be so good for business and such a powerful tool for control, that the medical-industrial complex AKA globalist cabal will fight to keep the concept going. They will without a qualm sacrifice the middle managers as part of the three ring circus. And even in his downfall – especially in his downfall – Fauci will do his part.

So it will most likely be “Goodbye Fauci, long live the virus”.


Is getting jabbed the new bungee jumping?

Seeing videos and social media posts of people after they have been jabbed, there is clearly some kind of elation to going through the process and coming out safely afterwards. It’s as if people KNOW there is a risk and at some level actually get a buzz from it.

Could this in fact be precisely WHY some people do it?

In fact they’d have to be completely brain dead not to recognise there might be  some danger in taking an experimental injection. Let’s face it, the history of medical innovation is a catalogue of deadly mistakes. So, it’s kind of obvious there must be risks.

There seem to be all the elements of the tribal rite of passage here, and this may be part of the cynical brilliance of the psychology. There is the uncertainty; the need to be accepted as a more mature member of the group; the trial by fire or other test of character, that must inevitably involve some kind of danger. Then afterwards the relief! The accomplishment! They get to post what a hero they are, with thanks to all who helped. They will never be the same again.

And something changes within them. You can tell when you meet them, they’ve rolled up. Several times I have found myself saying “what – you too?”, before they even said a word. Like when teenagers become adults, and you just know. Everybody treats them differently. Something changes that can’t be seen or heard, but you know.

I worked in adventure sports for a long time, and I saw the same process of anticipation, trial by danger, and passage to elation, in those who jumped out of a plane for the first time. Even a relative noob to parachuting can tell who has jumped and who is a whuffo. Yes, “whuffo” is actually a word in the skydiver lexicon.

Having passed the test they had proved themselves fit to wear the tee-shirts, and shared some sort of bond with the real men and women who went before them. They no longer have to wonder if they are made of the right stuff.

Various tribal societies have their rituals where the male teenagers go off into the wilderness, led by older males. One imagines it always involves mud, fire, wild animals, toxic plants and sharp objects. And when they return home afterwards, the boys are men, they are changed forever. The young women have their own versions, all top secret as well, of course.

No doubt from time to time some poor teenager drinks too much psychedelic juice or gets trampled by a wild animal, and doesn’t come back. And so our modern society seeks to “protect” us from these “primitive” rituals. But the need is still within us, and so modern man has come up with all kinds of manufactured challenges and pre-packaged adventures to take their place. After all, we all have a basic need to find out what we are made of, and to show others.

And many of these artificial rites of passage serve as distractions from very real challenges that are right under our noses. Perhaps we can take the grave threat of a depopulation agenda, and flip it around; tell ourselves the little challenge offered in the needle it is actually a risk we must take to achieve our true place in society; and thereby also save society?

Framing the problem the other way around – as literally a diabolical plan to rid the earth of billions of “useless eaters” – is to create such a vast problem as to overwhelm many of our strongest and most cynical and leave them gibbering. The choice is: take the shot, do your part, shoulder to shoulder with millions of others. Or reject the shot, face Goliath alone.

I meet so many otherwise logical and sceptical people who have gone against their better judgement, and rolled up their sleeves. And the reasons they give range from the illogical to the truly twisted and bizarre.

I’ve done my fair share of jumping out of aeroplanes, and I’ve also seen what happens when it goes wrong. Maybe I’ve already gotten this out of my system. I just don’t need this anymore. I also can’t lie to myself that the people in government, media and pharma framing the crisis and the solution really can be trusted.

So there is another truth about rites of passage: they are never ending. Becoming a man (or a woman) leads on to becoming an elder. And learning to face challenges leads on to needing to accept the challenge even when the odds are grim, because the price of giving in without a struggle is far greater even than death itself.

Given that we are experiencing the most sophisticated and ambitious psy-op ever known, it is hard to imagine that the perpetrators aren’t at least aware of the power of danger as an incentive to the extraordinary.



Disclaimer: not medical advice.

How Information Technology creates pandemics

This is an old article I have reproduced without permission, since it needs sharing and I can’t find out how to reach the author, even if he is still alive. Marshall Smith describes the Spanish Flu of 1918 as a pandemic “spread by telephone”. Since there is a huge psychological element to outbreaks, the spread of information is vital to spreading them – and stopping them.

A year or two ago this would have been over many people’s heads. Now that more people are aware that the viral theory of disease is full of gaping holes, maybe it will gain a more receptive audience. Although the role and nature of viruses in all this is wide open to debate, and the mechanism by which Aspirin operates may be different to what Smith describes, there is considerable evidence to support the idea that aspirin increased the death toll significantly in 1918.

This is Part One. If Part Two was ever written and somebody has a copy, please let me know. And also, if anybody knows how to reach Smith, I’d be very grateful to be able to get in touch.



PART ONE The Deadliest Killer of the 20th Century, With More Deaths Than All the World Wars, Lurks Right Inside Your House, and Threatens to Take You and Your Family. The Story No One Told You.

      In 1918, a virulent, never seen before, form of influenza seemed to suddenly appear. It seemed to kill within hours, and spread around the world within days. It seemed to appear simultaneously all around the world. Its spread was faster than any then known means of human travel.

      In 2004, the Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization warned of repeats of such a rapid and deadly pandemic, through such variants of influenza as SARS and Bird Flu. But without knowing what caused the 1918 pandemic or how it spread, how can the CDC or WHO make such a claim? Unless they already know something they are not telling.

     As yet no one has been able to identify the actual medical cause of the 1918 Flu, with only a few samples of a “bird-like” virus taken from only several cadaver tissue samples. But no sample is complete. And those are only one or two samples from among the estimated 20 to 40 million people who seemed to die mysteriously almost overnight. The 1918 Flu spread faster and was more deadly, killing more people than even the Plague and Black Death of the middle ages. Why does no one talk about it?

      And even if the viral cause were identified, no one can explain the lightning fast spread of the disease. Maybe it wasn’t a disease after all. Many researchers have even looked at some world-wide phenomena, such as extra-terrestrial biology filtering into the atmosphere from outer space. Or maybe, the jet stream spreading disease-laden dust from Asia all around the world in a matter of days. In an area of investigation where there seems to be no real facts and less logic, any “fringe theory” or “outre logic” is just as valid as any other. Maybe something about the 1918 Flu is being covered up. Something that we are not supposed to know.

      Actually, there is another rather simple mundane solution to the medical mystery. There did exist in 1918 a then new technical invention by which the “disease” was spread almost at the speed of light. The “1918 Flu” was spread around the world almost instantaneously by telephone. Of course, that claim needs an explanation, and proof.

      In the 1890’s an American chemist made an improvement on an old home folk remedy called Willow or Aspen Tea. It seemed to relieve the pains of old-age gout, arthritis and other assorted pains. But the evil tasting tea containing acetylsalicylic acid was so strong that it caused many people to have nausea and vomiting, along with the pain relief if they could tolerate drinking the tea. This potion was later neutralized, synthesized and buffered, and then sold to the German Bayer company as a pain reliever.

      I have researched the source and history of the name Aspirin and found no reasonable explanation has ever been found. I have found, instead, that the German Bayer company, in order to sell to both the American and European markets, used a name familiar in both markets. In America the common folk remedy form was called “Aspen Tea” made from boiling willow bark from the Aspen tree family. In Europe, the same home remedy was called “Spirain Tea” made from boiling the leaves of the common European shrub Spirae.

      Both preparations were found to contain large amounts of natural acetylsalicylic acid, but unbuffered. Combining the common home-remedy folklore names Aspen and Spirain comes up with the Euro-American brand name Aspirin. My research is the sole source for the information about that unique derivation of the brand name.

      The reason for the deep confusion and lack of any clear history about the trade name is that for almost a decade from 1905 to about 1915, the use of the trade name, and the source of the name Aspirin, was tied up in international courts. In the late 1890’s when Aspirin became available as an easy to use “pop a pill” replacement to the sour tasting Aspen or Spirain Teas, many people used it to relieve the pain of joint arthritis. Many users also discovered, quite by accident, a unique side effect. If you had a fever when you took the Aspirin, it also made the fever suddenly go away. What a discovery! It appeared to be a cure for the the common cold and flu.

      By 1905 many other drug companies were making acetylsalicylic acid preparations and calling it Aspirin, but they were selling it as a common cold remedy. Bayer took these other companies to court and sued over illegal use of their trademark. Many people believe that Bayer lost the decision and lost control of the name Aspirin. Most believe that Aspirin is now a generic name such as Kleenex, Scotch Tape or Xerox. Not so. It was an odd court decision and a confusing compromise. By 1915 it was decided in court that Bayer had the exclusive use of the tradename Aspirin, if it were sold as a pain-relieving analgesic.

      The court also found that the other companies could also use the name Aspirin, if in their ads and packaging, they claimed that their product was an anti-febril agent or a fever reducer. This odd court decision is still in use today. You can still buy Bayer aspirin to relieve pain, and on the store shelf right next to it is Nyquil, Aleve, Tylenol, Motrin, Bufferin, Anacin and a whole long list of others, all containing aspirin or aspirin-like compounds and claiming to be treatments for Colds, Flu and Fever. Reducing fever was not in Bayer’s original patent claim. Bayer didn’t know in 1895 of the use of aspirin as a fever reducer and had not put that in their original trademark application.

      And how does that strange court decision fit into the rapid spread of the 1918 Flu? The primary defense which the human body has, to stop the spread of viral infections is to produce a fever. The fever is not a symptom of disease, but is actually the body’s primary anti-viral immune system. The fever stops the telomeres on the ends of viral RNA from making copies of itself.

      The telomeres are like a zipper which unzips and separates the new RNA copy within miliseconds, but the telomeres are temperature sensitive and won’t unzip at temperatures above 101F. Thus the high temperature of the fever, stops the flu virus from dividing and spreading. It is an immune system response which only mammals have developed to prevent the spread of viral flu infections, which mostly 99% come from the more ancient dinosaur-like earth life forms called birds. Almost all influenza is a form of “Avian Flu.” A few influenza forms come from other dinosaur-like life forms, the modern reptiles, but these are usually classified as very rare tropical diseases, since that is where most reptiles live.

      The doctors in the early 1900’s didn’t know about that, and even today few if any doctors are aware that fever is not a symptom of disease, but is the primary and only way for the human body to stop viral infections. If you stop or reduce the fever, viruses are allowed to divide and spread uncontrolled throughout the body. I have already described this process in detail in my articles posted in the Brother Jonathan Gazette in 2003, so I won’t go into detail here. Do a search on “SARS” on the Gazette and you’ll find the articles.

      Normally the progress of a flu is that a virus enters the mucous membrane lining of the lungs, enters cells, then makes many copies of itself, which causes the cell to expand to such an degree that it bursts open. The new viruses then cloak themselves with a coating taken from the old damaged cell wall, thus hiding themselves from the human body’s own T-cell antibody immune defense system. To the body’s immune system the new viruses simply appear to be pieces of the body’s own lung tissue.

      By creating a fever, the viral infection is slowed down sufficiently so that the body’s T cells can find the swollen infected lung cells, surround them and metabolize (literally eat) the damaged cell with strong acids which also breaks down the RNA viruses into basic amino acids. This effectively “kills” the viruses so that they can’t reproduce. But viruses are not living things, and you can’t kill something that’s not alive. All the body can do is destroy or dissolve the RNA amino acid chain which makes up the virus.

      Not knowing this, most doctors treat the flu with aspirin or fever reducers, as a palliative treatment to ease the aches, pains, and delerium fever effects. The result is that within hours, the fever goes down and the patient feels much better. What neither the patient nor the doctor knows is that with only a normal 98.6F body temperature, the viruses are allowed to reproduce unchecked. Within 72 hours, the viruses have grown from one or two virus bodies to millions or billions. The body is now completely overwhelmed. But while taking aspirin or cold medications, there are no symptoms or warnings of what is yet to come.

      As a last resort the body tries to quickly flush the infection of billions of viruses from the lungs with massive amounts of T-cells, and fluid in the lungs to “cough out” the virus. This is called viral pneumonia. Soon within hours the patient is in the hospital. The doctors try to treat the now 105 degree fever with more anti-febril aspirins, or related medications to “treat the fever.” Then within another 24 hours the patient, suffocating and gasping for breath, is dead.

      You should note that the original infection did cause a mild fever, aches and pains, which the patient “self-medicated” with over-the-counter products. For the next several days, the patient seemed to have no symptoms, but was actually growing billions of copies of influenza virus in his lungs. Then days later, the patient and doctor seem to see a sudden rapid case of viral flu infection that is now overwhelming the body. Is that what really happened?

      What caused the patient’s death? Was it the original flu virus, or was it the use of Aspirin to lower the flu fever which then shutdown the patient’s own immune system response? Obviously, the latter. So how did this cause the massive rapid spread of the 1918 Flu?

      The Bayer court case had just been settled, and many companies other than Bayer, could now legally market aspirin to treat colds and fever. But then “The Great War to End all War” was on, and most aspirin products were going directly to the front lines in France to treat the soldiers in the diseased hell hole trenches of WWI.

      The World War I medics knew that aspirin could quickly reduce a fever. If a soldier had a fever, the docs gave aspirin. Magically the fever went down, the soldier felt better and quickly went back to the fighting. Then three days later, the same soldier was back, now with severe pneumonia and died almost overnight.

      No doctors then made the connection between aspirin and pneumonia death, since the trenches were filled with many other seemingly related diseases such as diphtheria or tuberculosis. Death and dying on the front line was common, so no investigation was done. Aspirin seemed to be a god-send since it allowed sick soldiers to swiftly get right back into the fighting.

      After the Armistice of November 11, 1918 the fighting stopped and the soldiers went home. The soldiers around the world announced the good news to their families back home. Most of the low-ranked doughboys had to wait till they got back to their homebase in Kansas, or wherever, to call home. They couldn’t afford the costly trans-Atlantic deep sea cable phone rates. But when the troop arrived in Kansas, the call from sergeant Tom was something like:

      “Hey mom, I’m coming home. I’ll see you and dad next Tuesday in Chattanooga. How’s everybody? Oh, Aunt Esther has a fever? Hey tell her to take some aspirin. Yeah, that stuff in the medicine cabinet for treatin’ the aches and pains. Tell Esther, we used it in France. Works right away and the fever is gone. OK see you Tuesday….”

      So what does Esther do? She tries the aspirin, but the old Bayer label only says its for “aches and pains” and says nothing about fevers. She takes it and magically the fever is gone, and she feels much better, almost cured. She’s so much better, she gets out the horse and buggy to go see her sister, Lucy in Mt Carmel, where Lucy and the kids are down with the fever. Mt. Carmel has no telephones and even no roads, only the buggy path to reach the outside world. But within hours of sergeant Tom’s phone call home, by word of mouth, everybody in rural Mt. Carmel is now taking aspirin to treat fevers. Since the new information came from a soldier, from the US Army and the government, it must be true!

      Within a week of the 1918 Armistice, by newfangled telephone, trans-oceanic telephone cables, and even the experimental ship-to-shore shortwave radios using Morse code, the message was flashed around the world — “Have a fever? Take Aspirin. It worked in France, it’ll work for you.” That message spread at nearly the speed of light over millions of telephone lines all around the world. The news of the “miracle cure” even spread by word of mouth within a day or so, even to places with no phones nor roads.

      Mysteriously, a week later, doctors round the world now had hundreds of sick and dying patients. Nobody could figure out why. The patients themselves never reported that just the week before they did have a mild fever. But it was so mild that when they took some aspirin, it simply went away. Nobody made the connection. The doctors only saw, by November 24, 1918 thousands of very sick patients with high fevers, lungs filled with fluid, and swift overnight death.

      The medical profession had never seen anything like it before, nor since. It seemed to occur simultaneously all around the world and even reaching into such out of the way places like Mt. Carmel with no telephones nor roads. How could such a massive fast-spreading killer disease exist? It didn’t. It wasn’t a disease. It was a new use for an old home folk remedy which everybody already had in their medicine cabinet, Bayer Aspirin to reduce fever.

      The medical profession, at a complete loss to explain it, simply called it the “Spanish Flu” or the “1918 Flu” or many similar names. It was a mystery with no known source, so it was assigned many place names. So far, nobody has been able to prove any single pathogen was responsible. And even if they did, they still can’t explain how it seemed to spread world-wide at almost the speed of light, clear around the world within a week.

      To this day there is no explanation. But, now you know. The “disease” was not a single pathogen, but many of the hundreds of similar types of flu which are always existing at any time around the world. What was different in November 1918 was the many hundreds of thousands of almost simultaneous phone calls from the millions of returning sergeant Toms saying, “…tell Aunt Esther to take the aspirin. It worked in France. It’ll work for her…” Nobody traced the spread of the 1918 Flu to sergeant Tom. Nobody made the connection.

      That very same source of disease still exists today. What is different today is that cold and flu products are sold and used all year long. This results in an estimated one million deaths from mysterious viral pneumonia reported every year, but also all around the year. In 1918, the new use of aspirin for treating colds and flu all started at the same time in November, thus creating the false impression of a sudden massive onset of a new disease. Even today SARS is not a disease. It is the improper use of a brand new high-tech flu fighter called Tamiflu. The FDA approved the use of Tamiflu several years ago. In 2003 it began to be used world-wide. But how is it used?

      Many millions of people around the world still self-treat their own colds and flu with over-the-counter meds containing aspirin. Those are the most commonly sold medications in the world. The patient’s mild fever quickly goes away. They forget about ever having felt sick. Then several days later the patient sees the doctor and now has a high fever, bad cough and fluid-filled lungs. The doctor, using the new CDC and WHO guidelines, treats the hospitalized “flu” patient with the new high-tech Tamiflu. But how often and at what dosage?

      The doctors do what they’ve always done for the past 100 years. Tell the nurse to stick a thermometer in the patient’s mouth, increase the Tamiflu dosage by 10cc’s every hour until the fever starts to drop. Then maintain that dosage level until the patient dies. Then blame the death on some new highly contagious lethal virus. Nothing new here. It’s the same old story, since 1918.

      The only thing different is that they give it a new name like SARS, or Bird Flu or whatever sounds nifty and high-tech. Even today, each year about one million people world-wide die from the very same “disease” which first appeared in the fall of 1918. Has medicine, in the last 100 years, turned this “contagion” from Pandemic by Phone, into Illness by Internet? Is it the rapid and continuous spread of misinformation that is still killing millions?

      So now, I have given you enough information that you are ready for Part Two. Coming next is a review of the curious scientific evidence, medical records and the biochemistry proof behind the Case of Murder in the Medicine Cabinet.

Marshall Smith
Editor, BroJon Gazette (circa 2005)

On dutiful non-compliance

Understand this: it takes 21-28 days to re-pattern your brain.

That is why ‘two weeks to flatten the curve’ turns into four and so on.

Where I am living right now, we have had at least 6 months of nobody taking social distancing seriously, and ignoring the signs on the floor, of jostling each other in confined spaces. We have had a year and a half of not having to wear a mask and laughing at people who did. We have had months and months of signing in being available and not being bothered to use it.

This is SLOPPY programming, it has trained us that we can be slack. GOOD!

And now we are into our most intense lockdown so far: disobedience may be stressful for the first month, but hang in there. After that month it will feel quite natural. So for that first month, do anything you can not to comply, and disobedience will become far easier.

Don’t let the buggers get you down. Get some rest, take some vitamins, keep putting one foot in front of the other, and speak the truth. We will get through this.



A warning to GPs in Britain

You are about to be replaced.

You may have to think about a smaller car, or a new home for the kids’ ponies.

Maybe not this year, but it won’t be long.

A reminder for Doctors who think online records sold to, say, Google for ‘research purposes’ is okay.

Or that it’s okay for unproven medical treatment to be pushed upon the unwilling because of a public health emergency, and for you to be the one to deliver it:

The thanks you get for participating are that you are about to be replaced by a mobile app.

It will work like this. You’ll be, say, walking down the street. Your phone will be picking up on several biometric data points and sending them to the mothership, where AI will be deducing what illness you might have that you aren’t aware of.

The first you know about your developing illness will be that your phone will go PING!

Up will pop the diagnosis and a QR code for the prescription. You’ll have a limited time to get the prescription filled, or the authorities will be notified under an extension of public health emergency powers to ‘protect the public’ from the sick. The pills will contain a transponder and your phone will report whether or not you are taking them.

The GP or family doctor will be a thing of the past.

Please reconsider your involvement in this programme.

Don’t say I didn’t warn you.



Disclaimer: predicting the future is not a precise science and cannot be relied upon. The above is an educated guess based on certain data points that are true, such as the storage online of medical records and the selling of such records to big tech companies such as Google, for research purposes. Please, everybody, especially those in health services, do your part to ensure it does not happen this way.