Fauci will be thrown under the bus. But why?

RFK Jr’s scathing biography of Dr Fauci is an Amazon bestseller

Dr Anthony Fauci is getting it from every direction at the moment. For a whole raft of alleged irresponsible actions, critics just won’t leave him alone.

But the “gain of function” research scandal is what will finish off his career, and might even lead to his arrest and criminal conviction. In a nutshell, Fauci was deeply involved in taking ordinary coronaviruses and souping them up. This all falls in line with the “lab leak” theory that proposes these modified viruses got out of a lab, and appeals to those who say Covid is in fact a bio-weapon and not a normal pandemic.

All the same, considering the most highly paid civil servant in America has lied and flip-flopped continually about the covid threat and the solutions – and when the predicted human toll for this dishonesty became manifest he actually doubled down on his manipulations in the most callous way possible with no regard for the death and suffering he was causing – it is odd that the wrath against him is because of scientific research. Of all the crimes of which he is accused, surely this is not the worst. Yes, the research itself is worrying and criminal: but science doesn’t kill people, people kill people, and Fauci could turn out to be one of the most prolific mass-murderers in history.

From the start rumours spread that the pandemic might be a biological attack. Commentators like Mike Adams and Alex Jones claimed that the media were actually covering up the scale of the problem, the government were under-reacting (seriously) and that there were huge numbers of hidden casualties. In due course they changed their tune, but such nonsense was extremely damaging, in terms of unsettling their audience that are more typically cynical about every latest scare on TV. In early 2020 it was already clear that the whole thing was being bigged-up for effect, dramatised and exaggerated by the news media, and what we needed most was for people to see through the fearmongering, not add to it. But it seems that “deadly virus” is now back on the menu, following the revelation that “it” was deliberately manufactured to kill people, and then “it” got out of the lab somehow, whatever “it” was.

The reality is, however, that we do not need a virus of any kind to explain ANYTHING that has happened in the last two years. For over a decade I have been saying all you need to create a pandemic is a rumour of a deadly virus, and let human nature do the rest. I won’t go into this in detail here, but every death attributed to covid can be explained in some other way. The real crisis is not a virus, but the misguided global response to the possibility of a virus. The first rule of public health is don’t spread panic, right? So why has every single public health decision been based on maximum fear? (rhetorical question)

This point of view stands up to examination. No credible rigorous attempt had been made to actually isolate the supposed virus, although it was claimed dishonestly that the virus had in fact been isolated and sequenced. And more and more people are beginning to understand that there are some very large and inconvenient holes in the viral theory of disease causation. The ever-changing theories about viruses are mainly a way to deal with facts that don’t fit – can’t fit – a lousy theory that is simply too big to fail. In fact the pseudoscientific explanations (cover stories) for inconvenient truths seem to mutate as fast as any virus. That doesn’t mean people don’t get sick, it just means that viruses are not the culprit. The story of virology is one of competition with other theories that are in fact scientifically much more solid but commercially very dull.

I have a great deal of sympathy with that view, and the supporting evidence is virtually overwhelming. Those who dare to look at it usually start to wonder if virology itself is one big money-making scam. Things would certainly make a lot of sense if it were the case.

Honestly, if this were a man-made bioweapon then it is a lousy product and some financiers somewhere would be cursing were it not for the astronomical (commercial) success of the solution. It wasn’t until the injections started that the sort of deaths you’d actually expect in a deadly pandemic were seen.

Behind the smoke and mirrors inevitably are real people making actual, coordinated decisions in secret, in full anticipation of certain results. In other words, the presence of a dastardly conspiracy is the unavoidable conclusion. There, I said it.

Fauci has become symbolic of everything wrong with science and medicine. His inquisition amply satisfies the need for a conspiracy, and for heads to roll. The story of gain of function “proves” that the pandemic was a plandemic all along.

But it also confirms the existence of deadly viruses. We can’t have it both ways, so if we want the conspiracy that is handed to us on the silver platter, then the facts must include deadly viruses as part of the package. That way, Fauci gets punished, and everything he stood for from lockdowns and curfews to masks on children can be questioned: but the virus lives on and so does pharma hegemony.

“Exposing” Fauci actually reinforces the pandemic. “Those conspiracy theorists are right. Sure it is a scamdemic, but the virus is out there now and we have to live with it”, people will say. “And it was designed to be deadly”.

And here is where I actually feel sorry for Fauci. Because the world’s most highly paid patsy knows the truth about viruses better than just about anybody, that they don’t exist as disease-causing agents. To manufacture an outbreak you need a population of people who are already sick and then do everything in your power to spin the science towards a common cause. Actual viruses are not a reliable tool for causing harm. But Fauci will go to his grave defending the lie.

If SARS cov-2 was developed anywhere it was “in silico”. Its genome was never actually sequenced, it was dreamed up by a computer from some very tenuous initial findings. It was not isolated, purified, tested, and then shown empirically to exist as an agent of disease. No authority anywhere in the western world claims to be in possession of an actual sample.

Again, a few brave doctors are helping us maintain the virus illusion by offering up alternative therapy protocols; for an illness that already has a near-as-dammit 100% survival rate. They maintain that early intervention is key. Well, this of course begs the question, key to what? With near universal recovery wouldn’t a warm bed and Lucozade do?

Since all data on death and survival of covid are skewed – by the care homes scandal, the midazolam scandal, the remdesivir and ventilator scandal, the misdiagnosis scandal, the PCR test scam, colossal fraud in recording cases, and the inevitable iatrogenic attrition that nearly always gets marked down as anything but medically caused – it is quite possible that “death due solely covid” simply does not exist in the real world.

It is possible that all you have to do to deliver a treatment with 100% effectiveness is to not kill people and, when some do die of other reasons, be honest about the causes of death. All the same, the “early treatment with forbidden protocols” meme amply feeds the need to confirm a conspiracy while also confirming the viral theory. It is very seductive. Hence I meet people who say they don’t believe in Covid, but still think Ivermectin is the cure. You can’t have it both ways.

Anyone who says “it must have been covid, I was absolutely flattened by it” is failing to use their logical brain. Such illness has always been with us, it has never needed a novel explanation. Last time I had flu I couldn’t even raise my head to call work. If you are posting covid-sickie-selfies then you are doing okay, trust me.

How are we to believe that those dissenting doctors somehow only treat those who are doomed? Medicine has a habit of blaming nature and disease whenever a patient dies, but it is just as keen to paint itself as the ingenious victor whenever a patient lives.

So, we have a choice:

1) Support the alternative doctors, save lives, confirm the giant conspiracy, the deadly disease, the hidden cure, and keep the virus alive. Easy.

2) Or go against the virus, and then there is no ready packaged narrative complete with all proofs handed to us on a silver platter by a whole army of maverick professionals. At that stage we are on our own philosophically, there is no bandwagon for us to get on. We don’t even have the support of cranks and antivaxxers.

Being a true Terrain Theory advocate really is the road less traveled.

Fauci could end his persecution tomorrow, by telling his inquisitors the truth about viruses; that they are a mirage, a bogeyman scapegoat for problems that have very mundane and cheap solutions. He could say there is no virus, and therefore no pandemic; that gain of function was mostly an exercise in developing mind control through fear, with some tinkering with molecules in a lab, but without much in the way of a viable end product. Like every other pandemic, all mirrors and smoke, dollars and votes.

But that still leaves malfeasance, fraud, genocide and all the rest. It gets him out of the frying pan and into the fire. At that stage he effectively would have confessed to 40 years of lies behind HIV and AIDS, and all the avoidable death and misery on which he based his fortune.

For those investigating Fauci, the gain of function scandal saves a lot of work. It avoids having to unpack the entire virus narrative in order to burn somebody at the stake for what we have been through. It keeps many other public health dirt-bags smelling of roses. There is a good chance the truth, simple though it is, would be too alien to be believed. The cognitive dissonance and disbelief would tear the case apart, and Fauci would walk away; not into a golden sunset, however, but towards an angry mob.

Viruses, even non-existent ones, are proving to be so good for business and such a powerful tool for control, that the medical-industrial complex AKA globalist cabal will fight to keep the concept going. They will without a qualm sacrifice the middle managers as part of the three ring circus. And even in his downfall – especially in his downfall – Fauci will do his part.

So it will most likely be “Goodbye Fauci, long live the virus”.


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