You thought nuclear war was coming, did you? Wrong.

While we were looking at Ukraine, something else was brewing. All that talk of pre-emptive nuclear strikes was nonsense. If you fell for it, they got you once. Don’t let them get you twice.

What’s the twice?

Anger about what the Palestinians are doing to Israel: or anger about what Israel are doing to the Palestinians. Both sides are openly advertising atrocities, so take your pick: “We will cut off their heads on TV” or “We will deny food and water to innocent civilians and babies”. Whatever triggers you the most.


The two posts above would have shared a common message, until only a few days ago. Now the followers of the wokeonian cult are being split into opposing teams. Hip teenagers can side with the BLM anti-Israel position and start picking arguments with their TV-watching newspaper-reading parents who think Rishi must be nice because of his tidy suits, BBC accent and non-threatening physical stature. At least, that’s the idea.

While cult wokeonian are being divided and ruled, a much more significant dichotomy is happening: those who understand the mind-control playbook being followed here and those who still drink the kool aid. Now the kool aid comes in two flavours – Israel and Palestine – that’s all.

But the game is being played for much higher stakes now. Having come this far the schemers behind these things aren’t about to de-escalate matters. They want to bring the insane diabolical slaughter in the Ukraine onto home soil. Where is home soil? Not sure, but it definitely includes the USA, and probably the UK and most of Western Europe – all those places to where hundreds of thousands if not millions of unattached males of fighting age have been quietly migrating and stationing themselves for the last decade or so. By the way, raise an eyebrow at that, and you’re a “right-wing extremist”, and can probably have your internet throttled in Europe or your bank account frozen in Canada.

We see pro-Palestinians and pro-Israelis shouting at each other across the street where both sets of protests are happening at the same time. Is that accidental? What would it take to escalate that situation; to bricks and bottles, petrol bombs, knives, guns, looting and burning? Not much. A few more beheadings? Photos of dead children in Gaza? A handful of agents provocateurs in the crowd? Civil breakdown and urban violence could be manufactured to blow up all over the world at any moment, as long as people continue to believe the tripe they are being fed by the media.

By the way, don’t get me wrong. There is a real conflict, and there are real victims in this. People on both sides are fighting for their lives. It could indeed come home and I have no idea what to do if that were to happen. But there is a game going on somewhere above it that makes it all not as it seems.

We have absolutely no idea if Israel intends to cut off vital supplies to Gaza, or if they’re just trying to get a reaction from the world. They didn’t seem able to stop their enemies in the most contained block of land in the world from taking flying lessons in powered paragliders. Mossad somehow failed to notice the signs of an all out attack on several fronts. If Israel wanted to end the confrontation, couldn’t they have stopped it happening in the first place? How much control do they have? How much control would they like us to believe they have?

Were cities all over America and elsewhere to descend into violence and chaos, it’s only a short step from there to having United Nations “peace” keepers show up to take control. They would be welcomed with open arms and the globalist takeover there would be complete.

The good news is, it won’t work. Far too many people, especially in the USA where it counts most, are awake to the meta-politics they are witnessing to take all of this at face value. The more people who wake up to the real division – people versus greedy, power-hungry maniacs – the sooner this mess will be cleared up. The bad news, the globalist psychopaths steering all this will continue to try, and will do a great deal of harm before it is over.






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