A new model for global conspiracy

Theory: the explanation that best fits the available evidence.
Conspiracy: covert collusion to commit wrongdoing.

Until a couple of days ago, my view of world affairs went something like this. The world is basically run by a very large, loose and diverse network of wealthy and powerful people with connections in all sorts of areas, transcending national boundaries, co-opting governments and corrupting whoever and whatever needs to be corrupted in order to fulfill an agenda. The agenda is a mix of power and money. To many, this seems far-fetched, although it is the stuff of movies, novels and mainstream history. But now it seems the truth may be even further out there.

“What they don’t want you to see”

A century ago global power, such as it was, was concentrated in very few hands, while much of the world was still either backward, unexplored, or of little interest to the elites of the day. There were always the secret societies of course – old boys’ networks of influence and mutual back-scratching – and some of those were global in their reach.

Much like human flight, actual global power – one system, controlled from one point – was confined to the dreamsphere until near the end of the nineteenth century. At that time a small group, formed around Cecil Rhodes and Alfred Milner, had the combined resources and connections to begin sculpting the world according to Rhodes’ idea of perfection.

Their influence acted through an arrangement of circles within circles. Crucial to this system was that nobody in the outer circles knew anything about the inner circles. That way, various officials and administrators would know the vital projects they had to oversee and the downstream effects, but they would not know the bigger picture into which that all fitted. Hence a chat over dinner about, say, how wonderful it would be for a certain country to have a railway, could pull the strings to make it happen, without revealing any inkling of the real political motives for having that railway.

Milner’s forte was propaganda, later known as public relations; the art of dressing up any project to make it appear desirable. It has evolved ever since into a highly advanced science of mind control.

As well as his own colossal fortune, Rhodes had access to huge pots of Rothschild money for the purpose. Inevitably therefore his influence may not have been quite so central and autonomous. Undoubtedly, all sorts of tensions, turf-wars and deals must have occurred, and the story of the 20th century is overt global conflict between nations, and the jostling of the various secret societies, banksters, oligarchs and dynasties. Governments have their own niche within that. Many of the supposed institutions of government, are in fact devices of the unaccountable elites and have very little if anything to do with the service of the public. Almost the entire structure of the European Union has become a paradise for nest-feathering administrators accountable not to the people of Europe to but to all kinds of faceless special interests. Most people have no appreciation of this, and hence it was easy to paint Brexit as the curmudgeonly will of a xenophobic British public, and not the urgent bid for freedom from tyranny that it really is.

So an absolute focus of global power might not have been achieved, but the structure of influence was international, varied and real.

And until now, that is largely how world power has been seen. The model is dispersed power and a never-ending dance between various players all trying to rise to the top and take ultimate power. They cooperate when they need to, and compete when they can. And, within that, a sort of dynamic equilibrium has been maintained.

Many modern day conspiracy theorists wonder if the world is dominated by a single evil empire with tendrils everywhere and one single mastermind at the top. But this has always seemed improbable, given that there are so many groups and competing interests. A more ‘ecological’ model has at least seemed more likely.

The destabilising power of the internet.

Against that backdrop came the rise of the internet, social media and powerful search systems, which have rapidly become dominant world players in their own right, carving out their own territory and occupying it. These are trillion-dollar enterprises, and the lack of competition is a huge red flag. Don’t think these outfits have grown up organically. There is a lot of evidence that they have had significant support from military and intelligence funding and technology. The internet itself was a largely developed out of DARPA research. It was also intended to be self-repairing and un-turn-off-able. Hold that thought.

What should be obvious is the potential of any powerful new technology to destablise a power balance. When the London Stock Market became computerised during the 1980s, it was suddenly possible for transactions to take place many times faster than before. This threw the financial markets into complete turmoil, with some holdings crashing to zero and others zooming skywards before anybody could react to the trends. Almost immediately they had to shut it down and start again.

And so it is with global power. To acquire information from the world, then make decisions about it, then put out information, disinformation and propaganda that suits ones purposes, is the essence of control. Modern weapons are primitive compared to being able to control what people think. Any advance in those areas can give a massive advantage to any corporation, country, political organisation or rogue actor.

Mind control science has in fact been highly advanced since the mid 20th century – it just needed the right technology to come along to make it really take off. Somebody would inevitably be first to have the technology.

A few days ago an independent documentary called Shadowgate was released online, and was taken down by YouTube within 24 hours. The content is unsettling to say the least. The film’s reporter was arrested on supposedly unrelated charges, and later released. The film, which includes testimony from two insiders, describes extremely serious crimes that go right to the top of government; and it names names.

I won’t post links to it here, as they keep changing. But seek and with a bit of effort you will find.

If Snowden was a bombshell, then Shadowgate is yet another level.

Not only were the American security services spying on practically the entire internet, especially in their own country, but they were also keeping copies of all internet traffic and analysing it. Those who say there is far too much information for them to sift, have not been paying attention. The capabilities for crunching data are frankly staggering, and getting more and more impressive all the time.

That much should be no surprise, but it gets much worse. As well as the main stream of information they are processing, they copy everything and pipeline it outside of government and outside of the USA. In other words everybody’s internet usage is recorded and put into the hands of private companies in several countries.

But it doesn’t stop there either. How the information is being used should make everybody sit up. For many years armies of trolls using fake accounts have been employed by governments to post propaganda and disinformation, to debate various issues, and to skew the trends on the web. They influence the news media, and everyone, from you and me to the rich and powerful. Algorithms could pinpoint the exact ways to push anybody’s buttons through social media, advertising and so on, in order to change their minds or fire them up in certain useful ways about practically any issue; to draw attention and support in any desired direction, or away from anything else. It can tempt, enrage and blackmail, and it is completely tailored to the individual. Or it can simply distract us, waste our energy, or tie us in knots arguing with each other.

Put another way, rogue actors in the US security services have been stealing the personal data of huge numbers of people, and handing it over to private companies in foreign countries, in order to engineer society. It isn’t enough to think that if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear. Even if you are innocent, the intelligence gained about your lifestyle, views, habits and beliefs is being used to control you in ways you do not understand.

And thus it is possible to start or stop riots, alter elections, control the mood of whole societies. It may have been used to create the illusion of a pandemic out of an ordinary flu season, and cause every country in the world to respond in perfect sync.

Creating the appearance of an outbreak is not difficult.

The CDC developed techniques for this decades ago when their budgets were threatened. There is even a medically recognised phenomenon called a pseudo-epidemic. If a pseudo-epidemic can happen by accident, then of course it can happen by design. But making it global, that is brand-new.

And for me, the most chilling aspect of all is that inevitably the system would become increasingly automated. Once automated, it is a very moot point as to who is really in charge: those who devise and employ the system, or the system itself. How do the designers of this evil know it is not manipulating them? Did they understand they were playing with fire?

One of the uses to which this system has certainly been put is to try and sway the US 2016 election. And when that effort failed, the system was used to then create the impression of wrongdoing by the winning side and so on. This is where the most damning evidence on the film is presented. But, did it in fact fail? Or is that what we are supposed to think?

The mainstream media is continually targeted by this system to ensure that the right messages get through to the public and the wrong messages do not. In short, our news, our behaviour and our entire world view is being controlled through this system. The ramifications are huge.

Individuals as well as groups can be targeted and influenced.

Clearly the power of such a system is like nothing else before it. Massive global change could be child’s play, for those with a hand on the mouse.

Imagine being able to switch off a pandemic and start riots almost overnight. Click, click, click… the media turn their attention away from the virus towards some other controversy; thousands show up ‘spontaneously’ at protests; buses full of trained agitators arrive; piles of bricks magically appear at the scene; the funding stream is there; the police get orders to pull back; the press are behind the riots; or against them, depending; the politicians take sides; issues are ignited and divisions are cultivated. Facts become irrelevant, and who knows what the truth is anyway? And the real trick is that almost everybody involved either believes in what they are doing or has their hands completely tied.

And the press, oh, the free, fearless press: quite likely mainstream journalists are utterly baffled by the criticism they are getting just now. They may imagine that they are still the epitome of in-depth investigation and critical analysis. But if their thoughts and background knowledge are being shaped by a powerful algorithm, they will have no idea they have become brainwashed pawns. None at all.

The fish will be the last to discover water – Jerome Bruner

Meanwhile, in another country where the pandemic has died down to nothing, the politicians suddenly lose their minds and decree that whole cities shall be locked down without any warning and no checks or balances. The ‘confirmed’ cases are but virtual cases: numbers on bits of paper. Nobody is even sick yet. The police snap their heels together, and the population just go right along with it. There is no debate, no discussion, no meaningful opposition whatsoever.

Thousands of doctors and experts go online to comment, to point out that nobody’s life expectancy has actually changed, or raise some other objection, and within a very short time are simply deleted from the web. Some strings are pulled and the next day they are fired. The news talk about the virus, but say nothing about the politics.

Ordinary people may object, but they can’t be sure they aren’t just talking to themselves. How do you know you are even having conversations online with real people and not some machine? I mean, do you let gmail compose your emails now with its suggested phrases? Could it do more than that? The news media have already been caught using Deep Fakes, so you can’t trust video or audio either.

And the makers of documentaries arrive home and find the police there with a warrant to do with some unrelated infringement. Just like that.

Is this how the Arab Spring started? Is this why Boris Johnson fell for the utter tosh coming out of the Sage Group? Is this why President Trump suddenly decided that 5G is the most important innovation since the flushing toilet? Is this why the newly re-elected President of Belarus, is suddenly public enemy number one in his own country, just days after denouncing the official pandemic narrative?

And so, what may have been achieved finally is the concentration of incredible global power into the hands of a very small elite. The power is that much greater still because of the head start they have. Few of us can even imagine what may be happening.

Competition in such an arrangement is meaningless if even the competition have no way of knowing if they are being manipulated. The opposition do not even know what to oppose. All those other secret societies, criminal gangs, cabals, cartels, corporations, security agencies, militaries and governments have been completely blindsided. The good may have thought they were acting to uphold their values: the bad may have thought they were pursuing their own self-interest. But all have been duped into doing the bidding of a very few psychopaths.

The question they (and we) should all be asking is, how do we shut it off?




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